Sleep Monitoring
Your struggle: Care professionals may observe changes in residents’ behaviour or moods without knowing the causes, making it challenging to fully grasp their health and well-being.
Solution: Nobi monitors how frequently a resident leaves their bed each night. The sleep report provides care professionals with insights into sleeping patterns
Always discreet, maximum privacy
Each Nobi lamp handles all computing on its own powerful Nvidia processor. That means Nobi shares no images with any cloud or server, guaranteeing the resident’s privacy. The Nobi lamp communicates the event only when a fall occurs, pushing images through to the dashboard or application of care staff. These data insights help them better understand what caused the fall so future incidents can be prevented. After several days, Nobi destroys the images.
Choose your privacy levels
With customisable privacy settings, our lamps empower residents to choose the level of image sharing that suits their preferences, ensuring both privacy and peace of mind for all
No image
No additional analysis is possible, resulting in less insights regarding the context of a fall. This limitation makes fall prevention more challenging, but does not compromise the fall detection features. Considering the importance of fall prevention, we don’t recommend this option.