Using contact-free, continuous monitoring, the Vitalerter platform predicts and alerts on health deterioration and clinical events to assist long term care organisations.
VITALERTER’s real-time actionable information and preventive reports, together with advanced management tools, empower staff to identify critical situations early, before they become an expensive problem.

Bio Sensor

The Vitalerter bio-sensors enable contact-free and continuous monitoring of vital signs.


Contact-free, mobile bi-sensor. Continously monitors heart rate, respiration rate and body motion.

Care Management System

The system includes a preventive care analysis server, management interfaces and reporting services.

Preventive Care Analysis Server

Using advanced machine lerning technology and medical experts’ models for early prediction of health deterioration and events.
Preventive Care Analysis Server

Care Management Software

Consists of a cloud-based alerting system and customisable monitoring dashboard. Provides staff with the ability to define KPI’s, priorities, risk and presentation settings.
Care Management Software

Analytic Reports

Empowers facility managers with rich analysis tools to track and improve care plans.
Analytic Reports

Proactive Care Benefits

Vitalerter’s proactive care benefits include:

  • The system identifies deterioration signals, bed exit and early warnings to prevent falls before they happen.

  • Vitalerter tracks bed-time and turn movements, providing real-time turn reminders and reports.

  • Monitors heart-rate in real-time and alerts in situations of acute changes in heart rate such as in cardiac failures.

  • Continuously monitors respiration, identifies events early & alerts in situations of irregular breathing such as asthma.

  • Tracks movement, breathing and heart function during sleep. Alerts in situations of acute disorders and provides sleep quality reports.

  • Identifies Tachycardia, Bradycardia, low HRV and fast movement that are common in the development of Epilepsy seizures.

Vitalerter Features

Vitalerter is designed to get you from zero to continuous monitoring in just a few hours.

Seamless & Low Maintenance

Positioned under the bed/chair, with no loss of comfort. Powered by mains or long living batteries.


The device can be easily re-positioned thanks to: long-living battery, wireless charging, wireless connection and auto calibration.


Waterproof electronic device with no physical wear. Firm attachement to the bed, comparing to existing pressure mats that last 6-8 months, and are easily moved out of position


Connects via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to standard or existing network infrastructure.

Plug & Play

The sensors can be connected to your nurse-call infrastructure and will activate alarms in the same way as your existing call buttons.

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