The bio-sensor identifies dizziness signals to prevent falls before they occur and alerts in situations of hypoxemia, hyper/hypothermia and during acute irregular heart rate incidents.

Proactive Care Benefits
Vitalerter’s proactive care benefits include:
Fall Prevention
The system identifies deterioration signals, bed exit and early warnings to prevent falls before they happen.
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Vitalerter tracks bed-time and turn movements, providing real-time turn reminders and reports.
Heart Incident Alerts
Monitors heart-rate in real-time and alerts in situations of acute changes in heart rate such as in cardiac failures.
Irregular Breathing Alerts
Continuously monitors respiration, identifies events early & alerts in situations of irregular breathing such as asthma.
Improves Sleep Quality
Tracks movement, breathing and heart function during sleep. Alerts in situations of acute disorders and provides sleep quality reports.
Epilepsy Seizures Prediction
Identifies Tachycardia, Bradycardia, low HRV and fast movement that are common in the development of Epilepsy seizures.
Hypoxemia Alerts
Using accurate pulse oximetry technology to continously monitor Sp02 levels and alerts in low oxygen levels.
Hyper/Hypothermia Alerts
Using an accurate thermostat to continuously monitor body temperature. Alerts in situations of Hypothermia and Hyperthermia.
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